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Students - Career Services

Interview Preparation & Practice


Career Services
Student Success Center
Upper Jewell Bldg #3344



面试是你和雇主确定你是否适合这个职位和公司的地方. It is common to feel nervous about interviewing, but there is a lot you can do to prepare, and we are happy to help!

Make an appointment or contact us with questions. 整个学期都有工作坊,还有我们的面试 指南在握手中可用-在应用程序中,转到帐户→职业中心→资源.

Before the Interview - Preparation

Know Yourself

  • What are your skills, abilities, values and strengths?
  • Why are you qualified for this position?
  • 复习行为/情景面试问题——你可以提前准备一些你愿意谈论的情景/例子
Know Your Potential Employer
  • 研究这家公司——了解他们的使命和文化,想想你将如何融入其中
  • 仔细阅读任何新的,即将到来的或令人兴奋的产品/服务/计划
  • 了解面试官在组织中的角色以及面试的类型
  • 提前查看一下公司发给你的职位描述、人力资源福利和其他材料
Practice, Practice, Practice!!
  • Mock interview with Career Services
  • 让职业服务中心帮助你回答那些你不确定的问题
  • Video record yourself practicing, 开着相机在变焦镜头下练习,或者在镜子前练习
  • 和朋友、配偶、父母、导师或其他值得信赖的专业人士一起练习
  • 熟悉回答不同类型的问题会让你在面试中感觉更舒服

Things to Remember

  • Arrive 10-15 minutes early and do not bring anyone with you
  • 对待你遇到的每一个人,就像他们在做雇佣决定一样——接待员、保管员等等.
  • For virtual interviews, set up lighting and background beforehand, make sure all technology is working
  • Maintain good eye contact – with all interviewers
  • 随身携带纸笔,记下面试官的名字,以便在面试后跟进, 以及其他博彩平台这个职位的重要信息
  • 不要使用与他们的行业/公司无关的俚语或缩写
  • 要简洁:不要漫无边际,确保使用完整的句子,并知道何时停止
  • 要诚实,但总是用积极的态度——即使是在描述任何缺点的时候
  • Be friendly and engaged – don’t be afraid to show enthusiasm!
  • Turn your phone off

Common Questions & Topics

  • Tell me about yourself (or some form of this)
    • Create your answer for this ahead of time, and practice! 概述一下你适合这个职位的优点(结合你的教育背景), skills, experience, (你的优点)以及你为什么对这个机会感到兴奋. Do not include personal information. 
  • Greatest strengths and/or achievements
    • 准备好你的优点和你引以为傲的工作或项目的例子.
  • 询问你的技能、教育和经验如何能让你胜任这个职位
    • 知道为什么你能胜任这份工作,练习谈论每一个方面
  • The negatives: weakness, conflicts, challenges
    • Always flip to a positive! Use a professional example, not one about your personal life, 首先说你曾经对______感到纠结/不喜欢/紧张, but over the last couple of years (or during your time at KCKCC), you were able to learn and work on it, and now it's not really a problem anymore.  
    • See STAR method below for explaining situations
  • Behavioral/Situational Questions - "Tell us about a time when..." or "What would you do if..."
    • 保持答案与工作/行业相关——练习提前谈论挑战或其他情况, use STAR method
  • Why should we hire you?
    • 这和你的“自我介绍”的答案非常相似——结合了你的教育背景, skills, experience, dedication/passion for the field and personality.
  • Why are you leaving/have you left your current/previous position?
    • Be positive. 专注于你为什么想要进入新的职位,而不是你为什么要离开. Do not badmouth your previous company or supervisor. 

The STAR Method

  • First, describe the SITUATION and context for what happened.
  • Next, describe the TASK, or what challenge/issue needed to be addressed.
  • Then explain the ACTION you took - what did you do? What resources or tools did you use? Did you collaborate with anyone? 
  • Finally, make sure to describe the RESULT or outcome. How did it all turn out? 如果可能的话,给出具体的数字或结果的其他事实.

Questions for the Interviewer


在面试中询问薪水或福利不是一个好主意——等到录用后再问细节, that's when you have the most negotiating power.

Good questions to ask might include:

  • What characteristics are most important to excel in this role?
  • 这个组织/部门未来的目标或项目是什么?
  • 你对这个职位的前30天、90天和一年有什么期望/计划?
  • 你认为在这里工作最好(或最具挑战性)的是什么?
  • 你如何描述你的公司和办公室的工作环境/文化?
  • 与他们的使命、公司原则等相关的具体问题.
  • 招聘这个职位的时间表是什么?或者招聘流程的下一步是什么?

After the Interview

  • Record your observations 如果你需要问雇主其他问题,这样做会有帮助
  • Self-Evaluation - How did you feel during the interview? What questions did you answer well? Are there any questions you stumbled over? Did you learn new information about the organization? 你认为面试官现在对你的背景和技能有足够的了解吗? (以防有复试,或者这份工作不适合你, 这是一个帮助你准备下次面试的好方法。
  • Record any information 他们给了你博彩平台工资,福利,其他工作信息等.
  • Always write a “thank you" email after an interview 不要在面试结束时上交事先写好的笔记——它需要针对你刚刚完成的面试.
  • Sample/template to use:

    Dear *name of interviewer, *

    Thank you so much for interviewing me today for the *NAME OF POSITION* position. 我真的很喜欢和你谈话,很荣幸能被选为这次机会. *加上一些你在面试中学到的东西,或者一些轻松有趣的东西,这是你在面试过程中的个人谈话.*

    我非常感谢您花时间更多地了解我,以及我相信我能为贵公司做出贡献的方式. I look forward to hearing from you again.


    *Your name*

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